Thursday, September 11, 2008

Have your Psi Abilities Activated/Awakened by a Psychic Medium with Ability of Osmosis

An EMPATH has the ability Richie Rich Scooby Doo Show literally feel for someone else. It gives you the ability to read a persons aura and interpret the information back to him or her.

A CHANNELER has the ability to access information &/or energy from a higher level of consciousness. They work with guides. There is no sense of contact with an individual entity, rather, a connection to higher spiritual forces. Whatever your age, you are often viewed by others as an old soul and will be sought out for the spiritual Srewsegmpium that youve built up over many lifetimes.

A MEDIUM is one who has contact and communicates with the dead. You also may have felt the presence of angelic or earthly spirits, which act as guardians to you. You can look into other dimensions such as the astral worlds or the spirit world. This vision is a rare gift.

A SHAMAN is one who is vividly aware of nature and the spirit in animals, plants and trees. You derive a highly tuned sense of danger from your instinctive link with wild animals; this is a great asset--your intuition can literally save lives. You sense impending danger in all situations, you also do a lot of journeying and soul work on behalf of others.. You may also have natural healing ability--a sense of what will harm or help the ill.

A REIKI HEALER works with zero-point energy to heal aches, pains, sickness, disease, etc.

Online Psychic Medium, Empath, Reiki Master/Teacher, Shaman Apprentice, & Spiritual Advisor, Malina Havard, offers some truly amazing and rare abilities to customers, one of those being transferring a portion of her own psychic abilities to others to activate their abilities. She calls it Psychic Jumpstart, its really the ability of Osmosis. The transfer takes about an hour, via telephone. Its $250.00 but its a one-time activation, the energy and abilities reside in the customers body until they start using them. From the time Malina transfers them, they are yours, permanently. This energy does not exit your body, it resides there until your body connects to it and uses it.

Phone sessions for Reiki healing, as well as Osmosis transfers & chakra balance/cleanse methods and channeled sessions with Jason/Jai are also available for those who choose to speak with Malina. The rate varies per service, but she is very affordable, no toll charges ever apply to these readings or services. Paypal is accepted so all transactions for her services are safe and secure.

Malina was born a psychic medium & an empath, then at 21, she inherited her brother in laws abilities and her psychic abilities went off the charts! In 2002, she slowed her psychic impressions down, by doing that, she discovered the Osmsosis. Malina has also studied to be a Shaman apprentice & makes shamanic journeys as well as traveling to the divine realm and other planes, is also capable of bilocation, telepathy, is clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient and somewhat telekinetic, but that's still developing. In a year's time of developing the Osmosis to work with others as smoothly as possible, Malina operates off of her will and intent, so no energy exchanges ever occur for these abilities to even activate and exist for others.

If you would like a portion of these off-the-chart psychic abilities, because Malina changed the way she does things, a one-time transfer with Osmosis literally activates others to become channels, since Malina has become an life insurance estimates channel, they don't just become mediums anymore. She is now working with 2 spirit guides, Jason/Jai and Len/Evelyn. If you want to become psychic, it's very simple for Malina, she can do it with her energy.

To get your abilities activated today or just to learn more about Malina and her services, visit

To learn more about Osmosis and the entire process, or Malina's evolution as a psychic, go to ebay and look her up, screen name: amysticalcreation. There is a long ebay Me listing, but it is very informative. Former clients' testimonials as well as references are available upon request.

Hint: There is a really well-written book about Christ Consciousness on my yahoo 360 blog. If anyone is interested in having their senses activated and awakened, so they can help in the Heal Earth/Move to the 5th Dimension campaigns all aroud us, please contact Malina. A Mystical Creation is also listed on myspace, on yahoo 360 under keywords Momos Blog or Malina Airplane! and you can just type keywords Osmosis, metaphysical and come up with some idea of what she does and to know what this is all about, what she is all about.">